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Mothers are watching, children are watching. 

Government is not a game, not a toy, not for play and especially not for personal gain.

We now live in a world in which militaristic regimes have become the new fad.

Human beings have become nothing more then numbers to the large institutions that we choose to empower.

The function of government is to protect its citizens. 

The primary function is to keep our country united and safe.

But who keeps us safe when government fails to do so?

What keeps us safe from the government ?

Who makes sure government stays on track?


The best system, is us.

We the citizens and everyday people that live within the borders of any modern day country or occupied territory. Who ever you feel is in power is because we as individuals allow them the power to control and dictate the path our everyday lives will take.

As naive, ignorant, or just willfully oblivious as anyone might be one thing is true, no matter what your belief is on government, their decisions directly correlate to what kind of life we live.

Our children and generations to come will live and suffer the ramifications of the political decisions we choose to keep enabling.

Life is precious, and must be protected and cared for. 

From the title of man and woman to black and white, conservative and liberal.

Humanity has cast too many verbal and ideological separations among itself.

We as a race have forgotten that we are humans first, above all else.


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